Friday, March 27, 2009
Break Time is Over
I naively thought that I would catch up on all my reading and writing assignments over spring break, with time to spare for a few movies or video games. Instead, I spent pretty much my entire break writing one paper, and it's still not quite finished. Maybe I slept in too much.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spring Break!
Whoooo! I'm spending my entire spring break writing a paper, but that doesn't mean I'm not enjoying it. I don't think I can convey just how great it feels to sit and work on a single project for several days without the constant influx of reading assignments from other professors.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
I'm accumulating a nice collection of rejection letters. One is short enough to reproduce in its entirety:
I still have applications outstanding with two firms, but I know they've already hired some of my classmates.
I admire the writer's refusal to pad it out with boilerplate courtesies, notwithstanding the "I wish you every success."Thank you for your interest in [firm name redacted]. We regret that we are unable to offer you a position due to the limited number of clerkships we are able to offer. I wish you every success.
I still have applications outstanding with two firms, but I know they've already hired some of my classmates.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
View From the Top

Lately I've taken to sitting by the windows in the library. The sunlight is nice, but the view leaves something to be desired. Unless you happen to be into interstate on-ramps. Here is a crummy cell phone photo. Incidentally, let me assure you that the research materials strewn around the desk are not staged. I took this photo when I was working on my first paper of the spring semester.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
And Now We Wait
It has been a week since my last job interview, and I have heard nothing. None of the interviewers told me how long I should expect to wait, but I know that many of my classmates have been offered jobs, so I'm starting to sweat. This could very easily turn into a burger-flipping, office-temping, panhandling kind of summer.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wise Guy Architect
The restrooms on the first and second floor of the law school are identically situated, with one important exception: on the first floor, the men's room is on the left. On the second floor, the men's room is on the right. I've made the mistake twice, but so far without consequences. I must be more careful.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I'm A Dummy
You know what feels awkward? Walking into a classroom and seeing that everyone except you has a completed assignment that you knew nothing about. To make matters worse, it happened in RWA, my favorite class and one in which I have a reputation as a diligent student. It might have been wise to make apologies or excuses to the professor after class, but that's a damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don't situation: do I really want to make the case that I was the only student in the class too stupid to find the assignment the professor posted online? As is my habit, I kept my mouth shut and let the professor draw her own conclusions about why I wasn't prepared.
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