Monday, July 27, 2009

Topical, But Not Too Topical

I'm all a-dither about finding a topic for my law review note. This paper will be a year-long project, and I have about two weeks to pick a topic. The trick is to find an issue that is 1) unlikely to be resolved in the next year (i.e., cases pending before the Supreme Court are out), 2) topical enough to merit publication (freak show jurisprudence probably would not make the cut), and 3) not so topical that other people have already written about it ad nauseam (anything to do with Guantanamo detainees? Fuhgeddaboutit). If you can think of a contested point of law that deserves a twenty-plus page treatment, please feel free to drop me a line or post a comment.

For those keeping score, this is the one-hundredth post to this blog.

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