Wednesday, October 1, 2008


It occurs to me that I haven't written much about my day to day routine, so over the next week or two I'll give a quick description of my classes.
Torts starts my week. It's a two hour class on Monday and Wednesday mornings. If you don't know what a tort is, it's basically any civil wrong. Negligence and trespassing are torts. So are assault and battery, if you're suing for damages in civil court (they're only called "crimes" when the state is prosecuting them).
Torts is a pretty low stress class. The professor is a young guy - in his early thirties, maybe. He mostly relies on volunteers to answer questions and doesn't quiz students too aggressively. The classroom discussion tends to be about the public policy underpinning the law. It's interesting stuff, and a nice way to start the week.

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