Friday, December 12, 2008


I went to the restroom during the Contracts final and saw a contracts textbook poorly concealed behind the toilet, so I guess there's some truth to the idea that lawyers are drawn from the ranks of society's most dishonest and self-serving. The smart thing would have been to tell the professor at once, but I let the sleeping dog lie. Now when the cheating comes to light (and it will - at least half the guys who went to the bathroom during the test must have seen the book there), I'll be a suspect. My name is on the bathroom break sign-out sheet not once but twice. I'll just have to hope that whoever was lazy enough to cheat was also dumb enough to write his name in his book.

On the plus side, the test went fine. I have no illusions that I aced it, but I did not feel underprepared.

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