Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This time last year I was taken aback by how few graded assignments I would have before final exams. This fall is quite the opposite: I'm appalled at the amount of text on paper I'm being asked to produce. Family Law, Lawyering Skills, Moot Court and Law Review all march unforgivingly from one deadline to the next. It's a rare week that I don't have to turn in at least one written assignment.

As a result, it's a rare week that I finish all my reading assignments. It's as if I'm taking two parallel curricula: a full-time reading load and a full-time writing load. When I have to choose, the writing always wins because that's where the deadlines are. If I can't find a way to cram all of this work into my schedule, I'm going to be picking up a lot of slack when exam cram week comes around.

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