Thursday, July 21, 2011

Essay Reality Check

I just answered the essay questions from the February 2011 Arkansas bar, and the results improved my disposition immensely.

Previously, I had written some two dozen practice essays. After comparing those to the model answers, I felt like I was just riding the line between passing and failing. The beauty of the February exam questions is that I have no model answers to compare to. Instead, the State Board of Law Examiners publishes the top answers by actual applicants. Now I see what the graders really expect, and these answers are just as rushed and sloppy as mine. Of the six questions on the test, I only really blew it on one. I'll take that in a heartbeat.

1 comment:

MLU said...

Good luck this week! I'm taking the bar in Texas [went to school in CA]. I've read your blog a few times this summer and have enjoyed your posts.

We're almost done!