Thursday, May 27, 2010

My Enthusiastic Classmates

Advanced Torts must be the chattiest class I've ever been a part of. I think the students have done more talking than the professor. Part of it is the professor's style--there are some twenty students in the class, and the professor calls on pretty much every student at least once in the course of a two-hour lecture--but mostly, I think a handful of the school's most gregarious students have just coincidentally converged on one class. Mind you, I'm not accusing my classmates of being what are pejoratively called gunners (students who volunteer in class just to flaunt their own intellect). These are just that unusual breed of student that isn't too intimidated to ask the professor for clarification.
So far, I like it. The constant back-and-forth makes the time trot, if not fly, and the professor's classroom management skills are such that we don't get bogged down in one subject for too long. It's going to be a nice summer.

Okay, one or two of them are what I'd call gunners, but I'm not here to judge.

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